Our Products



From volume models through to up-to-the minute designs and technology. Reid will help you get more from this booming category.



Benefit from our global experience with the leaders in Electric mobility. Strike the balance between price, performance, and market-leading design with the help of Reid.

Analogue Bikes

Analogue Bikes

Reid is recognised globally across all categories of analogue bikes. Choose Reid and partner with a supplier who understands the importance of both style and performance.

Other Products

Other Products

Reid can also help you navigate the world of SUP paddle boards, kayaks and other recreational mobility products. We can also help produce all related accessories.

Our Services


It is vitally important for us at Reid Bikes to understand the needs of our clients as the first part of the supply contract process. Only by truly understanding what our clients need can we provide them with the best possible product to enable success within their chosen industry. We work to understand financial goals, expected budgets, and the ongoing plans for range growth.

Reid Bikes understands how important it is for a business to understand their target market and competition. That's why we work closely with their clients to help them analyze the marketplace and competition in order to make informed decisions. Through detailed research, Reid Bikes can provide insights into competitor strategies and tactics to ensure our clients have a competitive edge.

At Reid Bikes, we recognise that customer needs and trends are constantly evolving, and it is essential to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to product development. To ensure that your product range meets the needs of your customers, we examine your existing product ranges and identify potential new model opportunities. By looking at trends in current and future demand for products such as ebikes, we can anticipate your customer needs and develop models accordingly. Our goal is to provide our partners with the best products possible so they can get the most out of their customer base.

Design & Sampling

Taking all the learning from the aforementioned research we now put together a range plan. From this we have clear understanding of launch product and lead times allowing our partners to plan initial rollout. This can also be used to predict the expansion of a partners product range and is designed to help strategise and plan their future product line-up, taking into account market trends and growth opportunities.

The purpose of design consultation is to provide a blueprint for the design process that will be used to create your individual stand-out products. This includes a roadmap for getting you from the idea phase to a finished product, and it can help you understand what steps are involved and how long they take.

Once we have your concept approved, we'll begin by meeting to discuss the parameters of your project. We want to make sure that we fully understand your vision for each product, and what makes it unique. You can tell us about any custom features or materials that might be included in the final product (for example, wheel/tyre sizes, colours, componentry etc.).

Once gathered this information this will be used to generate preliminary designs for your approval. These are just rough ideas at this point—they aren't meant to be exact replicas of what will eventually end up being produced—but they'll give you an idea of what direction we're headed in.

Once the initial designs are approved, we'll move on to creating more detailed drawings based on those initial sketches. These drawings will include measurements, componentry lists, model range sizes, and all necessary specifications so that sample or full production can begin immediately after your approval.

If a sample model is required, designs are sent to our factory for assembly. This sample can be sent directly to the partner or to us at our head office for collection. The sample can then be examined and tested to ensure suitability; this is also the perfect time for a partner to make any specification changes before manufacture is agreed.


Instructions to manufacture are sent to factories. Lead times are finalised and manufacture is started. We manufacture to the agreed shipping window.

 During manufacture process production is continuously monitored and models are inspected throughout. We work hard to ensure the high quality of your products with the view to reduce your aftersales requirements to the bare minimum.

Marketing & Brand Support

In addition to technical marketing support, we offer a range of services to help enhance your product packaging and manuals.

Our team can create unique carton designs that will make your product stand out on the shelves and attract customers' attention.

We also provide customized manual designs that are easy to understand and visually appealing, ensuring that your customers have a positive experience with your product.

Moreover, we offer optional tailored support to meet your specific needs and preferences, helping you achieve your marketing goals effectively.

After Sales Support

Continuous feedback loop

We are in this with you. Your account will have a specific handler that can act and advise on any requests or needs you may have. Likewise if any news or developments occur that are relevant we will make sure you are kept up to date as needed.

Warranty handling

A smooth and positive warranty experience is an absolute must to preserve brand image. We have in house warranty support and create bespoke communication and training portals accessible to you as needed. This ensures swift and databased handling making sure warranty is never a reason to lose business. It can also be channelled for future range improvements.

Parts support packages to accompany bike ranges.

For those partners with more isolated supply or where you want to cover all eventualities Reid can supply tailored spare parts packages. This is especially useful for larger retailers with internal distribution or for hire fleets who cant afford any down time.

Research & Development

We develop and bring new models to the marketplace all the time. We have feedback that we can gather from all our partners to push development for everyone. We take note and monitor industry, demographic, and social trends to ensure our product is always best placed to go to market.

We work with you to develop your ranges. We know the market and what is selling and can present viable option for your target demographic both on request and periodically where we see opportunity for you. We can review and make changes as soon as required.

Talk Image
Let's talk about bikes!

We'd love to hear from you! Whether you're interested in partnering with us to bring your brand to life, have questions about our products, or simply want to say hello, feel free to reach out. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. Drop us a line using the form below, and let's start the conversation. Your journey with Reid Bikes begins here.